Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Were's Fearless

Were's Fearless

posted on Dec 20, 2007 07:04PM

Fellow longs & mostly traders hahahahahaha.

Since numerous posters have wondered where I have gone to and since some posters no doubt may speculate that I have sold and that is why I have not been posting for the past month ( after all if I do not post on this board then I can not possibly own the stock hahahaahaha) let me set the record straight.

I could have contributed much over the last month from answering many of the questions posed on this board to posting many of the very significant events that have occurred in the gold markets and related events over the past month whose significant has not been brought up on this board. I just have not chosen to do so for reasons I will get into later.

Instead I will relate a story that has many parallels to those ARU investors over the last year, for those astute enough to pick them out anyway.

An old crafty fox sat in the winter snow on a bitterly cold winter day in what had been an unusually cold winter looking forward to the spring with fond hopes of all it would bring.

This same fox in late spring once again found himself sitting, this time on cold frosty ground with an empty stomach wondering when spring would truly appear, for like winter this spring had been unnaturally cold also and his fond hopes from last winter had so far been unfulfilled.

It is thus that the fox found himself sitting hungry in the midst of a great rabbit warren the likes of which he had never seen before. He had come across it in his search for opportunity and from experience new that a warren of this size would contain many a fine meal.

Unfortunately even though he had been sitting patiently around the holes of the rabbit burrows so far he had been unable to catch himself a meal. This puzzled the crafty fox because these rabbits did not appear to be all that clever. They darted from there holes unexpectedly with out reason or apparent motive, only to duct back into another hole just as fast. These rabbits always just seemed to be out of his reach though and even though he would move to the hole they had come out of they never reappeared. Sometimes they did come out of the hole he had just left though and this just served to frustrate the fox even more. Thus after numerous failed attempts he decided to leave the warren in the hopes that he may come across some other opportunity are at least solve the present problem on his walk about.

Now it just so happens that a viper who sat upon a hill overlooking the warren while sunning himself in an attempt to get warm on this cold spring day observed this fox approaching. The viper lay coiled and very still, ready to strike , while thinking thoughts that only such a snake could think.

Now the crafty fox while in deep contemplation pondering his conundrum but still very aware of his surroundings, for he new that at any time a hunter of his size could easily become the hunted, found himself climbing a hill. He figured that by climbing to a higher vantage point overlooking the warren he perhaps could get a better look at the big picture and thus solve his problem. It is thus that while in thought he came upon the viper and was able to stop himself in time before he came within its striking range.

Now the fox looked at the viper and the viper looked at the fox, both sizing each other up. The fox quickly came to the conclusion that the viper was far to dangerous to try and make a meal of. The viper also saw that the fox was out of striking range, dangerous, far to wary and big to eat anyway. Thus as the fox started to turn to view the warren in the valley down below in order to get a better view of the big picture the snake spoke to him.

Fox , I have been observing your lack of success down below for days now and I have a proposition for you. The solution to your problem is simple, you need someone small enough to slither into the rabbit holes and chase the rabbits out of the warren at the correct hole into your waiting jaws. Someone such as myself the snake added in his most charming way. Now the crafty fox did not immediately trust the sneaky viper but because he was frustrated and only gave cursory thought to the vipers proposal decided to go along with the vipers plan. After all he figured, if the snakes plan did not work he had lost nothing. It is thus that while being distracted in conversation by the charming viper that he never did look out over the valley and see the big picture spread out below him.

Now the vipers plan worked perfectly and even though summer eventually came it also was unusually cold. This did not matter to the fox however because with the help of the viper he enjoyed many a fine meal, for this the fox showed his appreciation to the viper by sharing his catch with him and even eventually letting the snake sleep warm within the foxes embrace. It is thus that the summer and most of the fall past with the fox becoming ever more appreciative to the viper.

Now this viper was prone to dream while he slept and as the winter months once again approach he dreamed more and more often while he slept in the warm embrace of the fox. Now these dreams are only dreams that a true snake could have and they often involved the snake striking out at his prey. It is thus that one cold late fall night while the viper slept warm in the foxes fur that he dreamed his dreams. He dreamed of many field mice coming within his striking range and in joy he bit and ate them all, then larger prey like birds came within his range and with great joy he struck and consumed them also, lesser snakes as well came within range and with even greater relish he struck and ate them also. Finally an unwary fox was within range and with pure ecstasy the viper struck many times this large prey in order to bring it down.

It is thus that the crafty fox was awakened from his peaceful sleep by the pain of many viper bites to his side. The fox instinctively jumped to his feet and moved away from the awakened viper while crying stupid viper, why have you bitten me? We were partners, without me you will die also this winter from the cold and lack of food. With his cold black eye’s focused intently on the fox the viper replied, fox, crafty you may be but wise you are not . You should not be so critical of me, I am only acting according to my nature and our partnership could have ended in no other fashion. It is you who should have know better and acted more intelligently.

Now the fox in his dying moments as the poison cursed through his veins saw events very clearly with the insight that often comes to those when it is too late to change events. He realized that if on that fateful day he had just stepped back and looked up and viewed the big picture from the hillside he would have saw a vast rabbit warren with many other predators hunting it. He would have seen that what he had though was bizarre behaviour of the rabbits jumping from one hole to another was in fact them escaping the pursuit of vipers who were too slow moving because of the cold. He would have realized that a rabbit warren of this size would have attracted the attention of many other crafty and dangerous predators just as willing to make a meal out of him as that of a rabbit. He also realized that he never needed the viper if he had just been patient and could have even profited from then if he had just looked at the big picture. All to late the fox realized that the fattened viper as winter approached did not need him any longer because they hibernate. In the meantime the snake could still use him as bait to attract and ambush smaller pry that no doubt would come to feed upon his frozen corpse. He also realized through dimming eye’s while looking at the smirking viper that you can do many things right but it only takes one mistake to be fatal and there is a fool born all the time.

There are many morals to this story relevant to ARU investors for those who care to understand what I have written . I chose not to post this last month because I do not make bargains or sleep with vipers. If snakes are aloud to freely post garbage and lies and then cry I am being slandered because someone points out the inconsistency in there posts, were that post will then be removed even though it broke no AGORA stated rules then I see no point in posting. It is far easier obviously to install fear in most people than wisdom . When I cannot point out and discredit those posters that are the perpetrators of this fear mongering then the task that I attempted to accomplish over the last 13 months is impossible. I attempt challenging tasks, not impossible or stupid ones.

For those who still do not get it, Ankerhoo was correct, I am pissed off that my worth to this board would be considered equal to that of a certain other poster. It was considered fair that both our posts were removed even though my post had not broken any rules and was just pointing out the facts. If someone can not stand by what he has posted then he should consider very carefully what he posts.

For those who perhaps think this is childish then consider this, I believe that there should be consequences for ones actions, cause and effect. The consequences of equating my worth to that of this other poster was that I decided to contribute what he does.

I am still debating with myself whether to return to posting in order to support those very few actual longs on this board or to continue my silence from this point onward.

For the record, I will state that, that latest piece of editorial garbage from Soto is just that, garbage. I could pick it to pieces along with the timing of it’s release but once again choose not to. Once a lying viper, always a lying viper in my books and information from such a source should be thrown in the garbage if it cannot be independently verified. I will also state that there will be no windfall taxes on mining for the record as well. 

Wake up investors, you are playing with the big boy’s now , what did you think, you would just buy ARU shares and all the other predators out there were just going to let you have all those rabbits to yourself to get fat on and that this would all happen in a month or two hahahahahahahahaha. It is a shame that investors should fall for the same trick that has been pulled 4 times now.

Britnick, that was a touching apology to the basher Anus, I felt something in my stomack when I read it hahahahahahahaha. 



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