Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Good morning Vietnam.

Good morning Vietnam.

posted on Dec 21, 2007 03:02AM

What's going on here?

We're making enemies faster than we can kill them!

Jail to the chief.

Where are we going here? Why are we in this hand basket here?

Saw a USA sign, "Let's fix democracy in this nation first."

Or: "That's okay, I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway!"

Do we want a leader here like: " Bush, end of a era.

If you can read this your not our president. They call him "W" so he can spell it."

Dismaying to witness the acrimony prevailing here and losing sight of the corner stone stone of our ARU investment...the FDN deposit plus.

Let's suck it up gang and move from the dismay and put efforts to solution.

Do we have Ideological Blindness here?

Hope not.

Everybody is in a hurry these days. I'm afraid people are having a hard time finding meaning in their lives, so they're running all the time looking for it. The quick buck. The quick deal. Screw him , he's a jerk mentality. They must have the next car, a bigger house, a better job.

Then ultimately, they find all those things are empty, too, and they keep running.

Once your running in life like this, it's hard to slow yourself down.

I'm at the age, were more and more of my friends are in retirement homes. So many were like I have describe above. Belonged to every association one could think of. Busy, deals, making money, hurry, come to party? No have business etc.

Now I listen to their laments..

" Should have slowed down years back and enjoyed myself etc."

That's what we need here .. slow down.. collect our thoughts and polish our respect for one another and collectively stay focused of one of the most magnificent Gold Finds ever.

Aye Aye skipper.

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