Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Safeharbour


posted on Dec 21, 2007 03:45PM


It is lonely at the top and you will never be able to please everyone, so do not bother trying. For those leaders who try to please everyone, ultimately they please no one. Ultimately you most do what you think is in the best interests of all the readers of this forum in the long run. You and I may not see eye to eye on Britnick or even be flying the same colours with regards to him. However you are one of only a few on this board that i beleive has been true to his stated word. You have supported the case for ARU through thick and thin as any true long would. I myself would request that you stay at the helm of this board for I trust few others to do the job.

Britnick, I notice you still pushing the fear mongering tax issue as you did all of yesterday. No wonder your approval rating on this board is so dismal. No thumbs up for the Brit's. Still taking my lines also, try something original for a change.

I guess since you believe Soto's message this time represented the trueth, unike his prior 3 articles, then you also beleive the general stock market will have a soft landing, debt is good, hyperinflation is good for an economy and the US housing industry is going to turn around in 2008 hahahahahahahaha.

Funny thing is that i still do not see anywhere, where it specifically states or that anyone other than Soto and his chorus of bashers on the ARU boards has stated that there will be a windfall tax on mining. I myself have not read it anywhere and many credible sources say they do not beleive that is the direction the government is going in. End of story. But you just stick to that line of thought and perhaps Safe will come around to my way of thinking. Hahahahaha.

Mercian, I have had about enough of you also, perhaps you could try contributing something for a change, instead of poorly veiled insults. If you found my story boring then let me just point this particular line out in it for you again.

"Instead I will relate a story that has many parallels to those ARU investors over the last year, for those astute enough to pick them out anyway."

I guess you are not astute enough and that is why you found it boring, unlike the at least 10 other posters who appear to have enjoyed it very much.

With regards to the disagreement between Kerrisdale and Ankerhoo. I think that things just got a little out of hand between them. They both were saying basically that the Soto article was misleading crap and just got into an arguement for the motivations of him writing these editorials. The fact that they believed that the message did not represent the trueth was all that was relevent at the moment.

There does appear to me to be a connection between him and the environmentalists as Kerrisdale has noted. This could be very valuable knowledge in the future as we get past this tax issue and ARU applies for permits. If Soto then comes out with enviromental scare mongering then we know is angle. Thanks Kerrisdale for pointing this link out.

I also agree with Ankerhoo that Soto writing these pieces hoping to scare of investment will not succeed in the longer term or past the Correa government issueing favourable mining legislation. His articles have done nothing but hurt the small retail investors and aid those funds who have accumilated shares from his fear mongering. The large investors and mining companies are still entering and setting up shop in Ecuador.

I think if you combine the two idea's, in my opinion you will probably come close to the real motives of his posts. He is an environmentalist who believes that what he writes helps the cause,even if it is only a very little, it is better than nothing. It is also very nice if someone pays him to write and issue these editorials because it is very hard to live of of ideals hahahahaha. These environmentalists need money in order to live and operate. Greenpeace and such organizations do not carry out the operations they do without funding. Just because they call themselves a non profit organization does not mean that the employees work for free. It just means that at the end of the year there books show no profit from there operations. You will find that in many cases the people behind these operations are very well paid hahahahaha.

I personally do not like censorship myself either if the persons are just expressing there HONEST belief. If they are practicing methods that have nothing to do with honesty then I am all for giving there message and them the boot.


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