Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Safeharbour

Re: Safe/Feerless

posted on Dec 22, 2007 02:53PM


Yes do stick to the facts and then in the future you may be able to actually spell my cyber name correctly and that of CHIRIBOGA's. Alway's acting the lawyer and covering your own rear end I see hahahaha.

Fact, if my previous post had anything to do with Safe taking a leave of absence then he would not have welcomed me back immediately after I posted it, now would he. Therefore perhaps you and your cohort Mercian can stop making false accusations against me.

I speculate that Safe has just gone on an outing with his yatch and has no internet access or does not wish too.

Fact, no were has any official stated or is it written that there will specifically be a windfall tax on mining. Untill one does, it is a non issue. End of story.

Brit's, anytime you care to hear some more facts then just ask me.


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