Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Manipulation/ Joltin

Manipulation/ Joltin

posted on Dec 24, 2007 04:56PM


when I talk about manipulation it can be of two kinds. The perfectly legal kind that one can use with his own shares as I described in a prior post under traders tricks. This kind I have no problem with at all, what someone does with his own shares is his business. The market is a game much like poker, how a participant plays his shares is very simular to how a poker player plays his cards. You win or loose depending mostly on your skill and sometimes a little luck.

The manipulation I am mostly talking about is that of spreading misleading facts, unsubstantiated rumour and outright lies. In other words, practicing propoganda in oder to influence investors into a desired course of action. This is the type of manipulation that I take exception to.


Dec 24, 2007 05:39PM
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