Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: A Rebuttal

A Rebuttal

posted on Dec 27, 2007 12:31PM


It has occured to me that you might actually be directing your feerless posts towards me. If that is the case then I have filed your latest posts under fiction and offer this rebuttal.

You write

/Feerless continues to take shots at me by referring to me as a trader or a manipulator./  

Well that is not factual is it, I have never specifically refered to you as a trader or manipulator on this board. You on the other hand have made some very direct specific personal attacks towards me. It seems you are having more of your messages deleted for that very reason by AGORA.

If your name happens to come up in the same post that I have talked about manipulation, trading, bashing, etc. and people connect you with the topic or it reinforces their already established opinion, that is unfortunate. I can not be held responsible for the individual thought processes of other people and the conclusions they come to. Just as you have never bashed ARU ( on this board anyway ) I have never bashed you hahahahaha.  

You write

/It seems as though it is believed by some here that trading and investing are diametrically opposed. If diversification is needed in order to adequately "invest", then shouldn't a diversification of investment style also be used. Why not take advantage of what the market is offering on any particular trend or situation in order to minimize loss, cut cost, and end up with more shares of a favorite long position./

When has anyone stated such a thing, trading is just one form of investing as going long, shorting, buying futures, warrant, property, bonds etc are forms of investing. It would appear to me that you are confused or purposely trying to muddy the waters between trading and going long on a stock which are opposing strategies. 

You write  

 /As a trader, you are more in tune with the markets and the news that moves those markets. Realize that his alone is a tremendous advantage if you wish to take advantage of it./

So true, unfortunately most people are not professional traders, it is not their job and they cannot be sitting in front of a bank of computer screens 24/7. To advise people to trade who are not in a position to be able to do it properly is very irresponsible. 

You write 

/Most trading detractors would argue that it is impossible to keep up a record of performance that would exceed that of a good long term portfolio. But does it have to? Trading and investing are NOT diametrically opposed. /

Well the facts are that over the long term traders do not exceed the returns of long term buy and hold investors, just ask W. Buffet hahaha. Once again trading is just a form of investing and thus they obviously are not diametrically opposed. It certainly is not going long though hahahaha.

You write 

/Not many would argue the fact that a certain amount of skill and research is necessary to make good long term investment decisions. It is no different with trading. Take the time to learn what works, and what does not. Learn from past mistakes and allow yourself to succeed. 

 Do the work necessary to become a better trader, and take what the market offers.Trading is not for everyone, but then again, few things are, just make sure you look both ways./

Trading is in fact for very few people because they neither have the the personality, financial capability, resources, experience and time to devote to it in order to do it properly. Mistakes in the financial markets means loss of capital. It certainly would be a mistake to try and start your trading in a stock like ARU which is as perfect a stock to go long on that I can find in the gold resource stocks at the moment.  

You write

 /My present gain on ARU over the last 12 months is 42%. /

Is that all, if I choose to trade this stock I could easily be up over 100%+ on the way ARU has traded this last year. Just because I have advised to go long on this particular stock does not mean that this is my only strategy. Going long or trading a stock depends on many factors such as sector of market and whether it is in a bull or bear cycle, fundimentals of particular stock, seasonality of the stock etc. I do not trade this stock because the funds who own almost 50% of it are going long and accumilating, the float is very small and would not allow me to trade my large position easily and I will not risk a possible 1000% gain on a take over in order to get a further 100 - 200% gain.   

There is an inherent conflict of interest in anyone who is a self proclaimed trader and posts on these boards.

You write 

/I have reported every single buy and every single sell. Of course my opinion changes as does the landscape and the dynamics. When the market gives us a defined window of time I use it to my advantage.

Feerless your angst towards me is obviously coming from a position of jealousy and being proven dead wrong as time has passed. (The SP recently went back below $25.00 pre split)

 Stick to the mining side of things and cool it with the attempts of justifying your mistakes by blaming others like the mysterious manipulators and the crooked reporters.

I much prefer making money than garnering thumbs up posts by banging a long drum and ignoring the issues this stock is facing.

Disclosure: Some of the points brought forward by me in this post were from a document I received in one of the many investment strategy forums I have attended./

This last part of your post I found particularly amusing hahahahaha.I must assume since you have declared all your buy and sells of ARU you do not own it any more. You have not declared that it is a buy on this board since your last supposed sell call. What is your definition of recently hahahahaha . I am sure that the funds who own almost 50% of the company, are going to give everyone that TRADED shares to them, these same shares back for the same price hahahahaha.

I am jealous of your supposed 43% gain when I am up 4800% on my very large initial position and 15% on my positions bought since then. All by going long hahahahaha.

I am glad you do not care whether you get any thumbs up on this forum because you have gotten your wish. I just have to ask, why do you post messages that hardly anyone deams worth while reading or recommending ? 

If it were me, and this is the advise that I got from these many investment forums you have attended, I would be asking for my money back.

Once again I found your post to be full of negative innuendo and specific personal attacks towards me. I wonder why that could be hahahahahaha.


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