Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: I Should Get Paid

I Should Get Paid

posted on Dec 27, 2007 05:52PM


still can't spell my name right eh. Hehehehehehehehehe.

I should get paid for the constant corrections to fact that I have to make in your posts.

Actually the title of your post was /Time To Buy??/, notice the 2 big question marks, that gramatically means you are asking a question. I do not consider someone who fills his post with negative innuendo and doubt the same time he posts that he bought ARU a buy recommendation.  Notice I said you had not RECOMMENDED it a buy, not whether you supposedly bought or not. Your buy price on that date would have been around 8.73. Not a very good trade considering where ARU came down to. Tell me also how much of that 42% supposed gain you made will be taken up by the 25% capital gains tax and commissions for your trades. Money you will not have for this year. Nickle and diming it is not even worth my time.

I was also asking what you consider resent because you stated ARU resently went below 25.00 pre split. You then state your definition of resent is 6 weeks ago. Well for your information ARU has not diped below 25.00 since Aug 30 - 07 which is almost 4 months ago. Wrong again.  

Once more you call into question my actual holdings, are you saying I am a liar, it sure seems to me that is what you are trying to say. This of course would be a violation of Agora rules on your part.

Let me assure you my scroungings are a significant amount of money, I just am not the type of person as another poster so accurately descibed you resently that has to state the sums involved. Mainly being a long, I am also usually fairly fully invested at all times. Thus my free cash is sometimes limited and I do not buy on margin ever. But I do manage my porfolio to free up funds when I see better oportunities or believe I should be more heavily weighted in a particular stock. Therefore what was your point with regards to how much I owned before the share price of ARU shot up and how much I was able to buy on the dips afterwards.

Oh right, there was non other than to try and call into question how much ARU I actually own.

Once again you bring up the time of when I arrived and started posting. Buy such logic, I guess then that no one else other than those people who post on this board own ARU stock hahahahahahaha. I arrived shortly after your cohort arrived for purposes already stated.

Now in regards to the final possible price you did have it wrong, however why not. If you take into consideration were gold is going, the fact that they will easily end up with 40 million plus high grade ounces on FDN alone, the spin off of the rest of ARU properties on sale of FDN and that it will be in a very low cost to produce country. Compare this to the resent take over of Meridian by Yamana and extrapolate the numbers, ARU should be with it's 18 million ounces now already worth 10 billion even if you compared them as equal. Meridian does not come close to comparing favourably with ARU.

Where's your arguement in support of your obviously uninformed last statement.

Aeb, where are you, perhaps you can recount all the mining and other resent stocks who in a matter of a few years have risen from pennies and a couple of dollars to hundred's of dollars. It would seem to me that you and I are the only ones who will either come out and state what we beleive ARU is worth or still beleive it. 





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