Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Back To Business

Back To Business

posted on Dec 29, 2007 06:13AM

Fellow Investors,

Resently Goldman Sachs anounced that they had a profitable third quarter. This surprised many analysts after the multi billion dollar loses that other Wall Street Bankers had on their sub prime bets.

It has been reported resently that the only reason that Goldman Sachs had a profitable quarted was do to 3 traders who heavily shorted the sub prime market and made 4 billion dollars in the trade alone.  Most of Goldmans other investments for the quarter did poorly.

This is interesting because Goldman was one of the biggest players in the packaging and selling of the sub prime instruments for which they made large fee's and commissions on untill the resent fall out. I wonder how Goldmans clients feel, the same time they were pushing this sub prime garbage to there customers they were heavily shorting the same market on the expectation that it would collapse soon hahahaha.

This type of behaviour is not new for Goldman, it is heavily speculated in certain circles that the resent multi billion dollar collapse of the hedge fund Amoranth a client of Goldman was brought about by them using privilaged information.

This is extremely poor business practice, in the short term they may profit, but in the longer term once this knowledge become widely know they will have no customers.

It is reported that the 3 traders who shorted the sub prime market were given 10 million dollar bonus's each.

Goldman's latest prediction is that the gold market will be the best shorting opportunity of 2008. It is reported that goldman is already heavily short gold and underwater on this positions. If Goldman is willing to do what I have mentioned above to their own customers, just imagine what they will do to those who are not hahahaha.


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