Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Thanks Buckshot
Dec 30, 2007 04:08PM
Dec 30, 2007 05:52PM
Dec 30, 2007 06:00PM
Dec 30, 2007 06:19PM
Dec 30, 2007 07:38PM
Dec 30, 2007 07:51PM
Dec 30, 2007 07:58PM

Great job on this project from the mining aspect. I'd like to have a look from the financial side. I'm hoping to stimulate input from others.

Let's say a major pays $20. per sh. for ARU. Cost $2.9 billion.

To reach production stage a capital cost $2.1 billion.

You have put out $5. bill. & it takes 2 to 3 years to begin income stream.

Allow cost of capital during that development period about 10%-$1.0 bill.

Now you are looking for a return on $6.0 bill. of capital.

For a margin of error let's assume we will receive $775. on 20 mill oz.

Using Buckshot's operating cost figure of about $175. means we net $600. over recovery period or $12.0 billion.

We have ignored the profits tax & the gold price trend but at 1st glance it appears you need a very positive view of future Govt. actions to commit to this project using above figures.

Looking for input!!!


Dec 31, 2007 04:56AM
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