Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Attn: nijinsky70

Oh, OK. 

It is actually nothing secretive.  I have a question about CGP and just don't want to post it in this ARU forum.

Sorry everyone.


Not your fault, man.  Apparently I didn't read the instructions.  I thought all you had to do was enable messaging to communicate in both directions.  However, it seems you have to attain Junior Power Ranger status before you can actually send messages on this system.  So, I can receive messages, but I can't reply to them.  (thanks for pointing that out mercian9).

 So, if someone wants to message me, you'll have to include your email address if you want a reply - that is until I become a Jedi Knight, or a Ninja Warrior or whatever.  Brilliant.

Can someone tell me who designed this system so I can short their stock? 


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