Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: Article
Jan 07, 2008 07:50PM

Jan 07, 2008 07:52PM

Re: Article

in response to by
posted on Jan 07, 2008 10:40PM

I thought the point of this article was that there are great dangers in the financial & commodities mkts. mainly because of govt. interventions, manipulations, cartels, conspiracies & the enormous size of derivative mkts.

I thought he could have made his points in about a page & a half.

History shows that manipulation can only work for brief periods.  I remember when gold was pegged at $37. How did we get to $860.?

 Do you remember Hunt's trying to corner the silver mkt. & we got to $50?

Do you know anyone who thinks inflation is running at 2.2%? 

We have millions of new players in fin. & derivative mkts. with India & China joining the world.  Do you remember 1 rogue trader for Barclays & one from BMO who lost huge amounts in derivatives?  I couldn't guess what the face value of the contracts were.  Is it good or bad that we have an immense increase in the ETF mkts.?  

I've always thought that any mkt. with a larger number of players is a much better mkt.

I guess you could say I'm not a disciple of Deepcaster but it's interesting reading!


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