Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Worth a look...InvestorPresJan16.pdf

Great lead Mercian9.


Everyone should take a look at this to get an update on the time line they are proposing and where they are at.   According to this presentation they have have already done everything (mine plan, source a contractor, sourced equipment, planned surface work etc) that they need to do to bring FDN to production quickly.   If you reflect back a couple of weeks when Joltin asked about how fast it would take to develop FDN as a mine it was going to be 2 years from the point they had a contractor etc.  Now it looks like the only question is when will they have a formal agreement to go ahead.  By my read, pending  a mining act and development permission they plan on FDN to production in 2010. 


They are project ing a tripling of Capitalization based on bringing FDN to production.   I expect that that number is conservative (they haven't hyped anything else) so a 3X stock price without considering changes in the price of gold or a takeover is nice to see.   Maybe we will see a 5x today stock price takeover.  


... Been There

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