Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Ecuador Mining News Newsletter

Ecuador Mining News Newsletter

posted on Jan 18, 2008 12:13PM
Mining Chamber Coalition Launches Lobbying Effort

Representatives from large- and small-scale Ecuadorian mining chambers will begin lobbying the Constituent Assembly tomorrow to highlight the industry's key role in the country's development.  The partnership will participate more actively in the drafting of laws or Assembly mandates involving the mining industry.  On Tuesday, President Correa criticized the current mining law, and announced the creation of a State Mining Corporation and the suspension of new mining concessions.  Current concessions will operate normally. EMN, Jan. 15
En español
MMP to Amend Mining Titles to Solve Social Conflicts 

The MMP wants to resolve community conflicts with the mining companies that face these conflicts by modifying existing mining titles.  An MMP team and a mining facilitator want to bring peace to communities to allow mining operations to begin.  In Ecuador, Ascendant Copper and Corriente Resources have suspended their operations after fierce protests led by extremist environmental NGOs. Presidency, Jan. 14
En español
Corriente and Aurelian Negotiate with the Government

Corriente Resources (TSX:CTQ) and Aurelian Resources (TSX:ARU) are the first two mining companies in Ecuador to commence talks with the MMP toward the drafting of a new mining law and individual exploitation contracts.  These conversations will also help determine royalties, environmental controls, economic and technical viability, and communities consultation.  Presidential Press, Jan. 9
En español

Dear EMN reader, 

Last Tuesday in his address to the nation, President Correa reiterated his support for large-scale mining in Ecuador.  He reaffirmed that he welcomes the industry so long as it respects the environment, workers, affected communities, and the state.

And last week, the MMP began talks with Aurelian Resources and Corriente Resources to gather their suggestions regarding the drafting of the new mining law.  The MMP also wants to sign contracts with these Canadian firms to determine individual royalties, which are likely to be decided based on the type of metal, grade of mineralization, exploitation techniques, and the size of deposit. 

Despite some uncertainty still in the air, the Ecuadorian government is still showing interest in solving community conflicts with mining firms, keeping dialogue with mining companies, and welcoming mining association representatives to the MMP and the Assembly.  EMN believes there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that rewards for its significant investment are forthcoming.

Thank you very much for emailing me your concerns regarding the drafting of Ecuador's new mining law.  Please keep them coming so they may be included in the EMN Investors' Survey.

Silvia Santacruz
Ecuador Mining News
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