Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: Is it just me, or is anyone else...Kerrisdale

Feb 08, 2008 10:41AM

Re: Is it just me, or is anyone else...Kerrisdale

posted on Feb 10, 2008 04:06AM

I rarely post here cause I just can't bring even the same expertise and opinions that many posters here bring. Kerrisdale I always thought you brought some sound opinions to SH and AG but now its just crap. You come across as some attention starved leader wanabe and when you don't get the attention you crave its hissy fit time. You are obviously an intelligent guy but the intelligence quickly gets lost in your childish attacks. Its clear to me that you are extremely jealous of the respect that Buck. and some others receive. When you stop trying to force your opinions on others then maybe you too can earn some respect. In the mean time grow up.

Yeah "where is the bouncer when you need him?"

Sorry to say it but your my first ingnore on this site.

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