Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Anderson off 800,000 at..

Hi Joltin,

I do undertsand your point and I do understand volume.

If Pat Anderson needed $5,000,000 dollars than he probably new this some time ago. Lets say he knew last fall

As a result he could have announced some time ago that he would liquidate 20% of his shares and he would do it in the first quarter of 2008. He could announce that it would be done over a period of time.

I have no problem with him selling the shares (I sold most a company I owned for the same reasons) I'm saying it could have been handled better. You can argue if you want or you can agree that he could have done it in a way that looked better to the other share holders.


Its done now so it doesnt really matter and I'm finished on the topic.


I'm second guessing if I want to buy any more shares at this point though. I probably still will.



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