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Message: Informal Ecuador Investment Poll

Informal Ecuador Investment Poll

posted on Feb 16, 2008 04:37PM

Fellow Investors,

I'm curious to know who among the posters and readers of this board would consider making an investment in Ecuador beyond what they've already made to date. The criteria is not limited to mining but may include farming, commercial ventures, vacation or retirement property, in short, any business or personal investment that would represent a commitment of capital with a time horizon of at least one year.

Feel free to answer with a simple yes or no, or as detailed a response as you see fit. This is an informal poll and has no other purpose than to gauge the sentiment of our small group towards investing in Ecuador.

Since this poll is not directly related to Aurelian, I've also posted it to the off-topic forum where you can post your reply so as not to clutter up the main board.



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