Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Censorship


posted on Feb 17, 2008 09:28AM


this board is becoming a bigger joke all the time hahahahahaha.

It seems my last two messages, even though one of them had gained 6 thumbs up in the very short time it was on the board, was determined to be off topic and deleted.

I guess Brits who deleted my message on the ENG board has been a busy little censor on this site also. After all, we cannot have a person telling all the legit readers and posters that they really are just marks hahahaha.

I find it very funny how Brits who bashed ARU for 9 months straight on the S.H. site and received over 100 ignores can now be a hub leader on this site. Here is a term Brits should be very familiar with, guilt by association, got that Safe hahahahahaha. Good move how eveyone was herded over here from the S.H. site where there was a lot of freedom of speech to a site where there is non. The annoying bashers on the ARU S.H. site are there just to make sure no one goes back there and as a bonus to do what little damage they can.

Brit claims that he never bashed ARU, well of course he did not, that would have been pure stupidity. He bashed everthing else imaginable around ARU though.

It would be like me telling someone they have a beautiful house and that it would be a great buy. Except that it was built in the middle of a swamp that they are pumping toxic waste into. However I am not bashing the persons house though hahahahaha.

Brits claimed he did not give a crap what people thought of him on this board. Yet he somehow is always posting and has somehow managed to become a hub leader. Him claiming that is like a politician claiming he does not care how many votes he gets hahahahahaha.

See brits, unlike you, I actually do not care what people think about me. They either agree with me or they do not. Whether they do or do not is of no importance to me because my job is not posting on B.B. like yours is.

It must be a bit of a conundrum for the manipulators on this board in what to do with me. I am sure they would love to kick me off. The only reason they do not is because many of the readers on this board respect me and they would lose credibility by doing so. Every good conman knows that credibility is everything, right Brits hahahahahahahaha. You cannot allow the flock to start to suspect untill they have all been sheared.

Lets see how long this post stays up for hahahahaha.


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