Many thanks for that link
very interesting
a few things of interest to me....
Patrick thinks that open pit mining will be an option for phase two thus increasing the overall number of ounces and that Corriente should get their permits soon
The many references to 'if a big boy' were to get their hands on this and develop this....
That this may become another Sudbury / Timmins type mining camp with more finds lasting over 100 years
The optimism re the agreement with the government and the draft mining laws...THEY ARE CONSIDERING 3% ROYALTIES
no mention of windfall taxes
The threat to dig out the sweet spot of FDN right away, even while they are still exploring (that will burn the potential buyers)
Barry making a few comments re how it will be mined <paraphrased> 'whether you do it yourself or someone else does it'
They are drilling to the north and west looking for both faults. Finally they have a VERY DEEP drill (never had before) to go 1000m to 1500m searching for western fault
They have their eyes on other land areas....other countries.....hmmm
Also a comment about Correa getting beyond the POSTURING thats going on.... however he has been very receptive to canadian mining experts that have gone down to speak with Ministry of Mines and Correas staff.
May 24...all wrapped up before then