Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: The lost western zone


The lost western zone in fact is not lost at all. It has just been offset or displaced from the located portion of the ore body by a localized geological event. We know it exhists because the mechanism that has displaced the rest of the Ore body to depth has been described by ARU management as having occured post mineralization. Meaning it occured after the ore body was formed.

This type of ore body dislocation is quite common underground due localized slip or fault movement. I have run into this phenomenon numerious times myself underground. The amount of dislocation depends on whether the ore body stradles the major fault in our case the Las Penas Fault zone or has been displaced by a much more minor slip or shear zone.

ARU management first believed that the deposit had stradled the major Las Penas Fault Zone and that is why they drilled along strike of the fault zone. First to the south and then to the north because they believed that the ore body to depth had been displaced by the movement of the fault zone along its generally trending north-south axis . Having now ruled this out appearantly they believe it has been offset from the upper portion of the deposit by a slip to depth.

This is really good news because it means that the rest of the ore body that extends to depth is relatively close to it's upper portion having only been displaced by a minor shear zone. Unlike a major fault zone that could have displaced the lower portion of the ore body 100's of meters or more over millions of years, a minor slip or shear zone will only most likely have moved the lower portion of the deposit in the range of 10's of meters.

In regards to the lower portion of the deposit having disappeared due to subduction. This is impossible.

The Andies and all other mountains are built through a general process called "deformation" of the crust of the Earth. Deformation is a fancy word which could also mean "folding".

When two sections of the Earth's lithosphere collide, rather than being subducted, where one slab of lithosphere is forced down to deeper regions of the Earth, the slabs pile into each other, causing one or both slabs to fold up like an accordion. This process elevates the crust, folds and deforms it heavily, and produces a mountain range. Mountain building and mantle subduction usually go together.

The process of subduction with regards to mountain building that is still occuring in the Andies today, occures 10's of kilometers under the continents surface. It occures along the leading edges of the continental plates as one plate is forced underneath that of another as they collide due to the force of convection currents pushing them from deep within the earths molten core. This process is also very instrumental in the creation of volcano activity that is still an ongoing occurence in South America and in Ecuador.

Subduction does not occur a few hundred meters below surface up in a mountain range.

There are many things one can learn from the Bullboards, unfortunately for those innocent investors hoping to come on them and get free information it is not that easy and is usually never free.
These bullboards can be a great source of information to me personally, not because of the information people post. There has been virtually nothing posted on the ARU B.B. sites that I was not already aware of. For me the valuable information is determining over the course of time who the players are, their purpose, general knowledge of the investor and what type of people they are.

For instance, who are the player, the ARU B.B.'s have been subjected to every kind of manipulator you can imagine. We have those that hyped or bash according to the position of thier trade, we have those constant detractors who purpose can only be to keep ARU down in order for long term or T.O. accumilation of shares. Finally we have those long term holders who ultimately believe because of the economic situation in the world, gold and gold companies are a good investment opportunity.

It is obvious to me also, that except for one poster on this board there almost for certain is not one person here who has ever even steped foot on a mine property let alone worked in one. We have some knowledgable resource investors, we have some knowledgeable general investors but that is not the same as knowing the mining business. This is why the manipulators have been able to get away with what they have over the last 1.5 years or so. This is why the funds and who knows who else has been able to gobble up a large percentage of the outstanding shares of ARU for a price much less than the last PP of 37.50 post split.

Finally for what type of people we have in ARU judging from the posts. We had a large number of small retail investors, traders and momentum players, they all have been removed from the picture for the most part by now.

Those of us left in ARU judging from the post on the B.B.'s are the manipulators who are interested in accumilation, gold bugs, so called conspiracy theorists, those of use who know or believe that ARU is worth alot more than it is today or some combination of the above.

All this information along with my own knowledge, confirms to me that the share price of ARU has a long way to climb, because the posters on this board are by far not your A typical cross section of the general masses.


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