Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Conference attendees


or it could be due to the fact that gold is up to $966 or that the $US has dropped to a new record low of 73.80 on the dollar index.

South African mine workers have also declared they will go on strike if any mine jobs are lost due to the power shortage. This would further reduce the supply of gold out of S.A.

It could also be because we are very undervalued and there appears to be little willing sellers left in the $8.00 range so the stakes had to be raised. News could also have leaked off of site in regards to D.D. intersepts

It does not really matter why ARU has taken off today, the positives of ARU have always vastly outweighed the negatives with regards to the company and somebody is just finally waking up to this fact.

It also does not matter to me personally because if the stock stays down then I get to continue accumilating shares of an extremely undervalued company. When the share price eventually desides to take off as I am positive it will. Then I will make even more profit on the extra shares I have purchased or I get a faster rate of return on my investment if it goes up more quickly from here. Either way I win.

I like putting myself in what I consider relatively no lose situations like this. I would like to thank those former share holders who have sold me their shares, especially the ones in the $7.80 - $8.20 range over the last couple of months. I can guarantee you they are in stronger hands than from which they came from.


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