Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Upside down world


"I believe there is more corruption with brokers giving out inside information than playing with hundred lot shares to "make a few pennies" or trying to "drive the price of a stock down" so they can accumulate "cheap shares". Most stock brokers I have known over the last four decades all have "great information" to relate about certain stocks. These deal from information from board members and officers to info from the acquisition department."

You are bang on about rumors & inside info. I worked down there for over 25 years & feel qualified to add something. Every day the average broker hears 10 new items considered to be "inside info". These include takeovers, good earnings, bad earnings, good drilling results, bad drilling results, new discoveries of mines or oils & who will be added to various Indices resulting in lots of buying. Did I miss anything? Rumors travel like wildfire & some brokers can generate commissions by circulating these rumors to clients. Now the problem! 85% of the rumors or "inside info" are baloney or ill-founded. If you wait for info you know is "for sure" you are breaking the law. I think it was 2 days ago someone posted on this website there would be a news release the following day. Was that inside info or was it just a good guess? Was it one day before the news release when ARU suddenly about mid-afternoon began to trade up on increased volume. Hmmmmmm.



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