Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Don't mistake...

"Funds targets of $12 to $24 are not what they think ARU is worth...

These targets are typically always undervalued so that their clients are always pleasantly surprised"

In my experience you will be very disappointed if you wait to achieve broker targets.

"Also, these targets are based on all the political crap that is about to be removed...therefore they are discounted twice...

These targets are based on the lack of clarity on mining laws and royalties which is soon to be clarified...."

You have a good point here but when, as & if that happens the mkt. price will then reflect that fact & targets of everyone can then be revised.

"Gold is higher than when we started this little trip.

Majors are in worse shape now production wise than when we started."

After political clarity the majors can buy in the open mkt. up to 10% before revealing their intentions at whatever the price is. You can bet it will be less than $20. without further proven reserves.

"There are some investors that came in late and would be happy with a be it."

Some investors came in early & would accept $20. today.

"But I don't decide what a stock is worth by how much return I want.

I decide on what it's worth according to what they have in the ground, what that's worth to another company or companies, and how much demand there is for it. Don;t forget the Chinese.

To each their own"

I agree with you. The stock mkt. is a game of spotting value before others or anticipating changes in the fundamentals. I'm looking for gold to increase but if someone offers $20. for ARU tomorrow I'm gone. I'm sure there are other undervalued girls looking for attention.



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