Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: afterhours

MOC is used by institutions to sell or top off index funds as required by balancing, redemptions and investments. They don't give a rats arse what price the trades go through, they just need the closing price. They enter their buys and sells, a balance is found similiar to what happens at market open- they match them and cross them at 4:10- that way the fund trades equal to the index, not better and not worse....after that you can trade at this now set closing price. This really isn't that hard to understand and why people are so wrapped up in it is beyond me.

All this confusion and talk of manipulation really gives this an amatuer hour feel.

Buyers will make the stock go up.

Insiders stop their f_cking selling and we will get buyers.

Government stops their f_cking bs and we will get buyers.

This is as tough a market as you're ever going to see. It punishes anything less than perfection. In my opinion our stars will line up, our day will come, but this market simply isn't giving out any free rides. Certainly not to stocks where Insiders dump 100k share lots when they're priveledged to negotiations that we aren't, and certainly not to companies run in poor countries that are too stupid to pick themselves up and clean themselves off.

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