Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Negative Lease Rates


actually it seem's to me that it has been you who has been try to twist my words around.

Example in your latest post you say

/I asked you to give us a book or reference to support your statements & because you are unable to do so I consider the discussion over./

which a far cry from what I said.

What I said was

/If you want proof I suggest you do some DD. I am not going to spend the time posting hundreds of pages of proof for you. Besides, the proof is everywhere you look in the markets today with banks going under, markets collapsing and the credit system grinding to a halt./

That says I am not going to spend the time, it did not say I was unable to.

With regards to your supposed credentials, I already stated on this board that I take nothing at face value in regards to what is posted here, that includes your claims. I would expect nothing less from any other readers and thus comparing credentials is a mute point.

I refuted your claims and you were not able to refute mine because they are fact and easily varifiable by Googling the appropriate key words. If someone does not wish to take my word for it then they can check it for themselves. If they do not wish to do that but instead ask me to prove it to them then I am not willing to comply. Do your own DD.



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