Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Interesting-what really happened


that was interesting, however hardly surprising. The US government has been interfering in South America for the last 100 years. They have bribed, coerced and when that did not work, raised to power dictators and mass murders in order to maintain their influence on that continent. Of course they have practiced these methods on other continents as well.

This latest assassination, know doubt, accomplished by triangulating on the source of the FARC's transmission during negotiations in order to locate their position, just goes to show you that murder is as an effective political tool today as it has been at any time in prior history. Perhaps more effective because the ability of quickly moving assets and discovering opposition is so much greater today.

The fact that this has caused a diplomatic crisis in South America is an indication of how much influence the US has lost in the region and in their own backyard. If they had the influence they once had there would be no political disturbance and we probably would never have heard about it. It is a foreshadowing of the coninued loss of US world power. This is of course a direct result of the loss of their economic power.  

The loss of economic power is largely a result of the continued decline in the value of their currency. This process is rapidly gaining momentum and is only beneficial for gold and of course those companies who have large reserves of the metal. Like ARU.


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