Personalmente Alberto Acosta quisiera declarar al
Ecuador un país libre de minería a gran escala, a
cielo abierto. Cree que, sobre este tema, se debería
consultar al pueblo a través de un referendum. "Si se
pronuncia a favor tendrá que hacerse con mucha
responsabilidad, con buenos y serios estudios de
impacto ambiental, con participación de la ciudadanía,
con consulta previa y consentimiento expreso y con un
mecanismo para que el Estado pueda participar de la
renta minera. Además que exista seguridad para ambas
partes, seguridad jurídica para el inversionista, para
el Estado, para los ciudadanos y no se olviden para la
naturaleza que es y será sujeto de derecho".
Personally, Alberto Acosta would like to declare Ecuador a country free of large scale open pit mining. He belies that, on this subject, the public should be consulted via referendum.
"If they voted pro-mining, it would have to be done with much
responsibility, with good, serious environmental impact studies, with the participation of the citizenry, with previous consultation and consensus expressed, and with a mechanism so that the State can participate from the profits. Also that there exist security on all sides; jurisdictional security for the investor, for the state and for the citizens, not forgetting the environment that is and will be covered by right."