Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Otto says...

Otto says...

posted on Apr 26, 2008 01:11PM

Saturday, April 26

Correa tells Ecuador: We welcome foreign investment

Nearly every Saturday, President Correa addresses Ecuador in a regular radio slot. In today's version, the subjects covered (as always) were wide and varied, but one was the mining sector. So let's make it 100% clear as to what he said when talking about mining:

"Damos la bienvenida a la inversión extranjera" were his EXACT words today. This translates as:

"We welcome foreign investment".

How do you like your political messages? Wrapped up in subtle nuances, or absolutely direct and to the point like this one? I like straight talk, personally. So far this week, we've had Correa telling miners they're welcome here, and the mining mandate was a necessary evil to straighten out the crazy legal situation of the sector. Now I disagree with that view on the need for the stop work mandate, but hey....I'm not the Prez.

Today Correa told his own people exactly the same thing. This is not some double-talk for miners only.

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