Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: El Comercio

El Comercio

posted on Apr 29, 2008 05:20PM
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Aurelian reduces its operations in Ecuador, with 360 layoffs document.title="Aurífera Aurelian reduce sus operaciones en Ecuador, con 360 despidos - El Comercio"
14:03 | The Canadian gold group Aurelian Resources announced unemployment technician 360 people in Ecuador and Canada, because, according maintains, a requirement of the Constituent Assembly, which forces him to cut back its activities in the country.


Montreal, AFP Montreal, AFP

The Ecuadorian constituent assembly voted April 18 by a text that suspending operations for six months in almost all mining concessions in the country, time to develop and pass another law.

Aurelian said in a statement that the decision is obliged to suspend its project "Condor" in the Southeast, which involves entry into unemployment technician about 80% of its 450 employees in Ecuador and at its headquarters in Toronto.

The text adopted last week by now limited to three the number of mining concessions that a group can exploit. "Aurelian seek to protect all resources that are invested since 2003 in prospecting for other concessions" (Ecuador) indicated in the communiqué of the company.

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