Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re:
May 02, 2008 08:26AM

If you read the entire post, I said that I wouldn't signed a deal...

but who knows how institutionnals are thinking right now?

Is it better to take back our money, or should we take the risk?

If it was a risk free stock right now, we would have stayed at 9$ even with all the declarations we read from the governement and official...

the 60% discount we have right now, is all because of this risk and uncertainty... Good if we can make it without too much harm...

but when you have 10 million shares, maybe you don't think as we do...

If ARU was risk free, we wouldn't be trading where we are right now... so the risk is there... will some big players want to get out and be risk free? this is the gamble right now... and this is why I think it's a perfect situation for a hostile takeover...

It's just my opinion, but the trading is strange and there has to be an explanation... this is a possibility, short covering is another one (but I don't think it's the case because it would be done lower), someone taking a huge stake in the company and that wants to take the risk we make it is another one (but this guy has huge cajones!)

May 02, 2008 08:44AM
May 02, 2008 08:47AM
May 02, 2008 08:57AM

May 02, 2008 09:27AM

May 02, 2008 10:44AM
May 02, 2008 12:13PM

May 02, 2008 12:28PM

May 02, 2008 12:38PM
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