Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Takeover is really a possibility

Takeover is really a possibility

posted on May 02, 2008 08:48AM

But I don't think 6$ will make it... too low..

and for the one saying that 10$ is way to low... can I remind you it's 250% higher then what we are currently trading? lol

Anyway, the best scenario would be that we keep FDN and that everything settles alright...

It's true that we would be probably making more money on the long run...

But is it what the institutional wants? this is the real question... and if they decide 10$ will make it, we won't be able to do too much about it...

remember... 10$ is 250% higher then where we currently sits... and if you want to takeover ARU, now is the best time ever...

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