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Message: Extravagance constituents

Extravagance constituents

posted on May 05, 2008 06:44AM
Extravagance constituents
By Benjamin Rosales

Most Ecuadorians want the Constitution which is working in the Constituent Assembly is better than allowing the current and strengthen freedom and democracy in the country. This must be clear, conceived on the basis of general principles that seek welfare citizen through the national progress. If this is not true, the work of the assembly might not be approved by the nation, or worse, we have another constitution of personal style, like so many previous ones, which ends up being short-lived.

Unfortunately, some decisions and proposals outings of the Assembly of Montecristi we do not portend a good result in this new process of constitutional reform. The mandate miner newly approved a medieval fundamentalism environmental premium. To pretend that the nation does not use its mineral wealth, the missing opportunity to work, education and health that this gives many Ecuadorians, is a folly. In any resource exploitation, agriculture, forestry, petroleum, industrial, fishing or mining, the state must protect nature and its preservation, what it should do with strong and effective controls.

We must be realistic, whether we like it or not, the large and medium mining is more easily controllable and has more resources to apply advanced techniques that avoid environmental damage exploitation that small capitalists. You can create a large national company to compete with foreign ones, but the reality on the farm and oil industry of our country is that the state Petroecuador is less efficient and more polluting than private ones. It is a matter of laws and systems to ensure competition and fair contracts for the State, with adequate controls to compel compliance of strict environmental standards, fiscal and social.

For some ill punish employers who had widespread use of labor recruitment systems, needed to create jobs and welfare, "sends" eliminate generating unemployment. Vivan extremes! Not only we are concerned these harmful 'mandates' fundamentalists, who, if implemented, may affect social and economic development. There are extravagant proposals that fall into a ridiculous unprecedented. The first time I read it over the Internet because he was abroad, I thought it was a joke of the press! Will Include the right to Sexual joy of women in the Constitution? From that are speaking in the House!

With wasting time on nonsense like this and starts fundamentalists' atrasapueblos' draft will not be completed before the end of May as wanted members of the government. Maybe it will be better that way! There will be more time to reflect. Even many Christians we can make our voices heard so it does not use the name of God in vain in this new constitutional text; claim that further strikes against the secular tradition since the revolution that Alfaro is part of the nation state.

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