Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Looks Spectacular...hope my portfolio recovers enough to visit one day!!!

Jim Willie


The opportunities given today in gold & silver will be written about for another few years. The prices offered in early 2008 will be seen as tremendous bargains. Price bargains were last seen in August 2007, in September 2006, and in mid-2005. The breakout of gold past the elusive 700 mark foretold the rally not just to 1000 but to 2000 and higher. It unleashed a new era. Ditto for silver, which rose past the elusive 15.50 level. Doing so foretold a rally not just to 20 but to 50. Give it time. Things are unraveling. Systems are broken. Solutions are nowhere. All efforts have an inflation stench to them. Desperation has entered central banker offices.

The gold price has found support off the 200-day moving average in classic form. The triple leg correction off the 1020 high is also a classic long-term pattern. It guarantees a firm foundation for the assault on 1000 with stable success. Note how the 1000 mark was eclipsed, but from a base around 650 to 670. The next base will be 850 or so. The silver price movement and patterns are similar. However, silver is heading to the heavens in price, joining its platinum brother and palladium cousin. Gold will be stuck fighting political wars, but making strong gains. The gold/silver ratio will show pronounced improvement in favor of silver in the next two to three years. Silver is in default on a nearly global basis. COMEX delivery of silver is interfered with. Silver coin dealers have almost nothing to sell. Even the USMint has halted production of silver eagles! So silver price has declined amidst profound shortages? The stage is set for huge uplegs in the silver price. Gold will rise in concert.

The triggers for the USDollar on the downside, and for gold & silver on the upside are more big bank bond losses. Nevermind the cause being the housing price declines. That has been ignored. When banks announce further big bond losses, the winds will change very rapidly, and with anger by the people. Rating agencies are cooperating in ways, but not offering ratings on debt securities in certain bond types. Yet they also are issuing huge downgrades of typically safe asset backed bonds. This summer will involve a very very rude awakening. The reality of recession, housing decline, and bank losses will undo the positive attitudes that are lifting the subprime USDollar and stock prices broadly."

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