Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Same item El Comercio

Same item El Comercio

posted on May 12, 2008 01:52PM
Chiriboga is meeting today with mining

Today at 09:00 in Quito, the Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Galo Chiriboga, meets with eight who were in mining exploration phase and next to launch a large-scale mining.

The Mandate Mining suspended its operations until they develop the new Law on Mines. Meanwhile, hundreds of workers in the mining sector remained in unemployment.

Among the companies who will meet with the mining authorities are Aurelian resourses, IamGold, ECSA, Elipe, and so on.

In the citation, the Ministry will receive information on the situation of businesses and a list of workers who remained in unemployment. This was reported yesterday by the undersecretary of Mines, Jose Serrano.

The official indicated that has already been sent to the Ministry of Economy listing mining that were pending and cancelled U.S. $ 100 per grant for the pipeline. These monies must be returned to dealers, as the art. 6 Mandate Miner states that are archived 1 374 concessions that were pending.

This week will restart the dialogue for mining concensuar draft amendments to the Law of Mines in Ponce Enriquez, Cuenca and Loja. The next 21 will conduct a forum in Quito with the environmental sector.

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