Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Inca Kola News - Blog Entry Re. ARU

Inca Kola News - Blog Entry Re. ARU

posted on May 22, 2008 08:08AM

Thursday, May 22

It's not difficult to understand why Aurelian ( is still under $5

It's called "ignorance".

What the English speaking world is now waiting for is the publication of the new draft mining law, which will then give you guys up there some hard facts to work on. But the fact is that anyone with a bit of analysis sense can see that ARU is no longer threatened to the point of extinction by the political manoeuvrings in Ecuador; quite the opposite, in fact. This is just another facet of "getting" Latin America; those in desperate need to see things officially written down and signed by a minister are missing both the point and a marvellous buying opportunity. Aurelian will absolutely fly once the mining law hits the streets, and it will fly again when the draft law becomes the law.

In a television interview last night, President Studmuffin Correa made it absolutely clear (yet again). His words;

"The use of natural resources is a fundamental part of the program of change and of the development of the country, and the position of the (government) block is "yes" to responsible mining."*

This kind of statement doesn't really leave much to debate, does it? Or if you still doubt, put yourself in the hypothetical conversation

Correa to Aurelian; "Are you a responsible miner?"
Aurelian to Correa; "Yes. We have the track record to prove it."
Correa to Aurelian; "That's true. Ok, get mining."


But this won't get much airtime amongst the so called analysts who may well know the best way to calculate a NAV or can talk dip angles on drill cores with the best of them, but couldn't analyse themselves out of a paper bag when it comes to the local political scene. Those ridiculous panic calls of sell ARU with targets of $1.40 make professionals look stupid as stupid can be, and therefore the same professional doesn't want to attract attention to himself. Yes, that means you, Eric Zaunscherb of Haywood. Investors pay good money for investment advice. Of course the pros are human too and will get a few wrong, but when the advice is as shockingly bad as we've seen over this whole Ecuador mining law issue, these people should be sacked without further ado.

Buy Aurelian. It's so obvious, it's almost laughable. The joke's on you, Canada.

*“la utilización de recursos naturales es parte fundamental del programa de cambio y para el desarrollo del país y la postura del bloque es sí a la minería responsable”
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