Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Another short article from

Another short article from

posted on May 24, 2008 04:11AM
Google translation:
A Mandate necessary

In the electoral timetable Country Agreement clarifies that in all cases will require a mandate to suspend the timetable established by the TSE to the polls sectional.

Virgilio Hernandez clarified that the mandate, in addition to suspend the timing of the TSE, will host certain rules of the game raised in the chapter on organization of power as the issue of re-registering political parties.

This week further meetings are planned to refine the theme of internal officialdom.

In the last interview, the president Rafael Correa criticized the work of the Assembly and attributed to "an excess of democracy" the slowness with the approval of the articles.
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