Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: your take, and what to do when the market goes bad

Re: your take, and what to do when the market goes bad

posted on Jun 21, 2008 03:05AM

Thank you for the great reactions. I have been following this story for some time and am very well aware of the rollercoaster ride most have taken here only recently. Moving from 10$ to 3.5$ and still holding on is a sure sign of dedication, trust and will to support Aurelian. I am strong enough to hold on to this myself, after all im still young and this is only money we're talking about. But, on the other hand a smart yet maybe weaker... logical side of me wants to sell and move on, or spread the risk more evenly. Maybe its because i'm risking more then I normally would. Anyone else here put more then 25% of their portfolio in Aurelian?

Thanks for the reactions btw, its saturday, wasn't expecting a crowd here... but then again, I guess these are exciting times.

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