June 22, 2008
While officialdom ceded to the second debate did not define "social function of property" in the new Constitution, several sectors of the minority questioned an alleged conditioning of the security and respect for private property, excluding intellectual property and the valuation of property to expropriation.
But during the debate, the assembly of countries ratified again and again that private property is not at risk and that its social function, as well as expropriation, are recognized in previous constitutions and other countries, as agreed by representatives of the opposition.
Vincent Taiana (PRI) insisted that there are only two kinds of property: the private and public, while Leon Roldós (RED) said that with the phrase "provided that" in determining that the State recognizes and guarantees the right to own property in its various forms, as long as it meets its environmental and social function, as defined in the law-conditional warranty.
Cesar ROHON (PSC) has put emphasis on intellectual property, like its coideario Leonardo Viteri, and said it would ignore the fact that Ecuador is a signatory to international conventions.
"The Ecuadorian State must protect the creativity of human beings. We are talking 20 years of science and technology in Ecuador, the subject of patent and generic would be in a legal vacuum, "said Viteri.
Maria Paula Romo (PAIS) said that the ban should be able to negotiate intellectual property ancestral peoples of Ecuador.
Sofia Espín, also of officialdom, commented that must be corrected from the body so as not to repeat what happened with the dam-Peripa Daule, where 20 thousand people were evicted when the area was flooded, 33 thousand hectares were affected and up today they are not paid to farmers affected, he mentioned Espín.
After discussion, the president Alberto Acosta (PAIS) insisted that "not affect private property, I do not know what part of no, do not understand" and that there are several types of properties, because there are different ways of doing economy.
The text on the property will be adjusted in two days by a committee of three assembly, two of whom are Ana Moser and Irina Cabezas, the two countries.
The discussion of food sovereignty was suspended for Tuesday at 15:00. On the issue that the opposition questioned the redistribution of land is not accompanied by a phrase that read "respecting private property" and officialdom confirms that they will not move to GM crops, will expand the supply of products in the markets and the quality of agricultural products.