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Message: Breaking news: Acosta resigns!

Breaking news: Acosta resigns!

posted on Jun 23, 2008 06:19AM
Got this off El Comercio just now. Quick google translate and clean-up.

Quito, AFP

The chairman of the Constituent official Alberto Acosta, has resigned five weeks short of finishing drafting the new constitution, which will be submitted to a referendum, said the agency's vice president, Fernando Cordero on Monday.

Acosta announced his resignation amid rumors about his estrangement with president Rafael Correa, who encourages a political charter which enables his immediate re-election and strengthens the power of the state in the economy.

"We are confused by the resignation of Alberto. I do not know what his motives were, "said Cordero on radio Sonorama, who admitted that the departure of the head of the Constituent Assembly is" a serious blow "to the government's plans.

Orlando Perez, secretary of Communication of the Constituent Assembly, also confirmed the news. The waiver would have been done through an email to the entire assembly. Acosta has not renounced his status as Assemblyman.

This waiver would be considered this morning at the plenary Assembly. However it is not known if the resignation is irrevocable.

News in development. [I'll say!]

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