Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Closed like a Champion today !

Has this been posted from Otto?


More on the Acosta resignation

rough-hand sketch of Canadian brokers at work this morning

Oh, man...I haven't had this much fun on a Monday since that time the in-laws took all responsibilities to the zoo for the day and the wife said "come here, sexy".

So this Reuters note (in Spanish) has Alberto Acosta saying he resigned because of the lack of support from the Correa government, and specifically that Correa/his party wouldn't extend the deadline for the draft constitution. It also has a quote from Acosta that contains a jewel in its own right;

"..(my resignation) is irrevocable for the moment."


Maybe just as funny is the reaction from the Ecuador exposed stocks traded up in Canada. As you know, I follow Aurelian more than any other, and the low volume trading pattern just smacks of crooked market makers knowing their plan for the next few weeks is now out the window, but not sure whether this resignation is good for the stocks or bad.

Let's see: Mining law goes through that is friendly to the sector, but constitution draft is either a) scrapped, or b) delayed til next year or c) hurried through and voted down by the population....hmmmmm......tough call boyz!!! Now surely Correa and Acosta haven't come up with a plan to stop the treehugger blocks to economic development for a while? Nah perish the thought...let's just take the Reuters story at face value and not even consider that there's something else afoot.............

This afternoon the pantomime continues, when Acosta enters stage right at Montecristi. I bet you wish you spoke Spanish, right?

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