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Message: No discussion slaughtered by the deadline pressure: Acosta

No discussion slaughtered by the deadline pressure: Acosta

posted on Jun 24, 2008 04:22PM

No discussion slaughtered by the deadline pressure: Acosta

June 24, 2008


Martha Roldós (RED) also said that if relinquish full accepts the resignation of Acosta.

It was the most eagerly awaited statements. All wanted to know the reasons for his resignation, but Alberto Acosta appeared more interested in joke with the assembly. Strolling through the full. Talking with his wife. Yes, as ever, was left next to see her in City Alfaro.

With his usual serenity and jokes that always make their speeches, President of the Assembly admitted that lost the backing of the political bureau of PAIS.

The differences are not new between Acosta and the political bureau headed by president Rafael Correa, his friend, but one that is far from the direction of the City Alfaro: maintain, as requested by the Government, on July 26 as deadline for delivery of the Constitution. "I am resigning because this time we have said we have to seek an option to terminate the Assembly on July 26. I called for the resignation, have told me if I take a step to the side and I took the decision to resign. "

His speech, informal tone, was interrupted by applause from the assembly related PAIS who accompanied him. Ninguno de su propia bancada. None of his own bench. "Strange to the companions of the bloc who are in a meeting in Manta. Otherwise, they would be here with me. "

"I do not want to be in the chair to say after me, because I did not want to run processes, boycotts (…) I do not want to be responsible for a violation. They have already seen my modus operandi. I am not going to change my mind if I ask because I have to accelerate the process. Prefiero hacerme a un lado. I like to get to one side. Many people may do so according to new circumstances in a much more appropriate, I think. I do not want to discuss this issue. "

Acosta says that this is not a waiver with piola discarded and so can remain in office if not fully accept the withdrawal. While it accepts that it is in a "disagreement with certain things, like many colleagues disagree with many items," says that will be the first to work for Yes to the Magna Carta.

"This provision of my personal position and not sacrifice the debate by the pressure of the deadline is not shared in its scope and what it means at times, with most of the dome of Understanding COUNTRY, movement to which I belong and to reaffirm that my affiliation. "

However, Acosta stressed the democratic exercise that claims to have implemented in Ciudad Alfaro, despite criticism of President Rafael Correa, who said that some believe that democracy "is to listen to everyone all the time."

"Democracy is fundamental intrinsic condition that all people can be heard and can listen. That is the exercise component. Talk, listen, share, discuss, jointly build a charter different, "Acosta reiterated amid applause.

"The Assembly has been and is the democratic space par excellence ... It is not only the Constitution but the process, the democratic path. If society is democratic, that building process must be democratic. And that is one of the problems which I believe have led me to make that decision. "

"I have my principles and I respect my principles, I take my decisions. We are starting to build a democracy. It is difficult, is complex. I hope that the winds of change continue to be healthy and not having as Mafalda says - if you remember the Mafalda? - Which does not have a terrible odor to naphthalene ".

Acosta said that Correa still viewed as a friend, with whom he admits, has discrepancies; enmities, no.

Not to mention what members wanted the bureau supports his thesis to extend the deadline for delivery of the new constitution, but admitted that the majority is in favour of respecting the deadline of July 26 because the rest intend to do otherwise "would be a suicide political. " "I think on the contrary, we should take enough time for debate is quality. That is the point of substance. That is the issue that would divide us. "

Visions opposite

Prior consultation
Alberto Acosta defended the thesis of prior consent: that communities can access or deny the exploitation of natural resources in their territories, while the sector led by the Head of State called for prior consultation: those who speak out, although the Government will decide . When the minister Ricardo Patino called assembly to insist that the agreement was to maintain consultation, Acosta said: "We can not return to the practice of telefonazo of the old partidocracia".

The country must prepare to live a "pospetrolera economy," said Acosta. "We have to recover certain fields in an appropriate manner and any expansion of border oil should be explored whether or not". The President spoke of a "responsible mining", called "Child environmentalists" to opponents.

Provincial Councils
The agent said in a meeting with mayors that "perhaps it should say and better quedémonos only with municipal governments." Two weeks before and after a protest, Acosta said that "provincial council will not disappear and the Assembly will not leave anyone out of work, I do not understand where they removed that."

Amnesty to Noboa
Correa called for amnesty for former president Gustavo Noboa, among others, as objects of political persecution. Three months later, Acosta said that "at some time it will put on the agenda. I have no trouble. "

Alberto Acosta
"I am part of the political bureau and the bureau, to retire its de facto support, I have been requested to usher in another direction that apre-sure to approval of the texts to meet the deadline of July 26. I respect his decision, I am part of a democratic process and do not impose my will ".

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