Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Conspiracy Theory?

Re: Conspiracy Theory?

posted on Jul 05, 2008 09:27AM

We all carry a certain amount of paranoia, the amount varies with the individual, most have it under control. There are those who see a snake under every rock, and have to show aggression, just in case. Personally, I have found the discussions on Ecuador and their political situation quite intriguing. Besides what else can we discuss that would be of import to this board. ARU is in effect, dead in the water, quite possibly until the election and not just the passing of the mining mandate.

I think the issue of management decisions has been quite thoroughly covered. We will never know with any great degree of certainty, why individuals within management sell their shares or resign, unless it is for some nefarious reason, which usually doesn't surface until a few years later. In my mind anyone including management are perfectly entitled to sell their part of the ownership whenever they want.

This has been said before, but I would just like to reiterate. ebear has not only spent hours carrying out translations for the rest of us espanol challenged shareholders. He has also provided valueable insights which I am sure would have escaped many members of this board including yours truly. For those reasons he certainly has my thanks and a vote of confidence for what I am sure will be future insightful posts.

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