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Message: Mining Law and Development From El Universo

Mining Law and Development From El Universo

posted on Jul 08, 2008 08:05AM
The new Mining Law, rule that will determine the future of the mining industry in our country, and was handed over to the President for review and analysis. It may be recalled that before the drafting of the document, the Constituent Assembly issued the Mandate Miner determined that the stay sector, the loss of investment and unemployment of thousands of workers. The reorganization of the mining sector was the argument for drastic measure, now face such adjustment shall be promoted by the new law, that--we aspire to become an engine for development of mining responsibly.

Establishing new rules, however, has not had sufficient time to debate deep, broad and pluralistic, so questions arise and expectations, because little, very little is known of the text sent to Carondelet.

These good intentions must transcend the speech, translated into the body and include important elements relating to production, stabilization and competitiveness are essential for the sector to develop in the international market for minerals, in parallel must be considered as factors that affect the expansion of the mining industry are highly specialized and dynamic, requiring not lose sight of the geological aspects, scientific, environmental and social. These four concepts should give structure to an official document which necessarily requires adding considerations such as corporate responsibility and sustainability of mining companies.

One element of greater awareness of the law is the philosophy of discretion that can prevail in various sections of the same, more punctual in the case of interrupting the continuity of a mining law designed from exploration to marketing of minerals . If that were the case, any chance of attracting investment would be annulled.

The basic rule of the global mining industry is legal certainty anchored to the clarity of the rules and transparent procedures, the millionaire investment imposed by mining projects can not in any way be attached to managing multiple discretionary decisions at different levels the bureaucratic structure.

The variable competitiveness should be given to the idea of allowing the industry germinate in full competition with neighbouring countries which are among the main producers of copper and gold in that logic, any kind of control is valid as far as necessary to balance the interests of State, production, the utmost care and environmental benefits of communities.

The ethics and fairness must be the essence of management that will generate revenue mining professional, with particular emphasis on direct distribution to communities, while respecting the financial viability of projects and avoiding other laws that are contrary and prevent the proper application of the Mining Law.

It is of national interest make a timely monitoring of the details and progress of the law because its contents will depend to seize the historic opportunity to establish a process of economic and social development based on the rational exploitation of mineral resources.
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