Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Otto on the TV station

A replacement has already been found in the shape of Wilma Salgado, who was recently absolved by the Constitutional Assembly of suspected misuse of funds at the very same AGD used to close down the TV stations yesterday (oh how the world turns, eh?). But she's now been put in charge of running the country's finances by a Correa obviously taken aback by Ortiz's resignation.


It sure does. I glanced over the comments on El Comercio (75 at last count) and most of them were positive. Statements like, "about time" "better late than never" "finally a govt that will act" etc etc.... Naturally some have a partisan flavor, but the general sentiment seems sincere.

I also noticed they closed Radio Sucre, which is where that guy who was recently murdered used to work - Rodriguez I think.

Gotta go to the dentist now. More when I get back.


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