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Message: Another aticle from

Another aticle from

posted on Jul 13, 2008 09:15AM
Deadline runs after referendum '

July 13, 2008

Cesar Rodriguez (PAIS) said that in the event that the Yes wins in the referendum approving the new constitution, the adoption of laws or pending urgent start after approval of the Constitution, though, before the consultation, who are to over the task could prepare legislative bills.

In the transient is being one-year period for the approval of eight laws. When that deadline starts to run? Since when approving the Constitution.

But according to the texts adopted, some laws should be adopted after the installation of the National Assembly… When the constitution is approved everything goes into effect. The deadlines for organically operationalize the supreme law is the Constitution that fall to run from there.

Before the referendum nothing? They can prepare bills to advance on that.

Who? The assembly part of that committee.

Are the 130? There are many options, it is a call to a special commission that has 55, 52, 40, 33, 39.

Do the laws that drew deadlines for approval in the new constitution could be evacuated before it installs the new Assembly (Congress)? Yes, it could.

How long would the approval of each law? It would continue the adoption of an ordinary times? The mandate must be established to operationalize that must have followed the prosecution of the law, because otherwise we are not going to do with the ordinary and normal Congress, for example, the law is delayed one year.

Do you have to be more agile? There must be a process to expedite the transition to operationalize the priority.
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