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Message: The discussions will end tomorrow and will be ready new constitution

The discussions will end tomorrow and will be ready new constitution

posted on Jul 16, 2008 02:28PM

The discussions will end tomorrow and will be ready new constitution

July 16, 2008


Last article will be voted on between today and tomorrow. Magna Carta complete will be adopted on 24.

With the vote on the texts on the ordinary courts, the rights of focus groups and dignified life for all, the National Constituent Assembly will conclude tomorrow approval of 501 articles of what will be the new Magna Carta.

Until yesterday, according to the records of the Press Secretary of the Constituent had approved 275 articles and 26 transitional arrangements.

The agenda of today's vote includes articles on the Constitutional Court and Public Administration, the Civil Law, the Procuratorate and systems of social inclusion, social security and education.

The Editorial Committee Final awaits those texts. His work already started last week with the revision of which had already been approved earlier.

The group, composed of five people and a dozen outside consultants, corrects drafting and suggest changes if they detect redundancies, inconsistencies or omissions.

They have until Friday at dawn to deliver to the board the final text, as he said the president of the Constituent Assembly, Fernando Cordero (PAIS).

That day will be distributed among the assembly for them to read. The rules drew within five days after which the voting will take place in the plenary.

At the plenary meeting, convened for Thursday, July 24, Assemblyman each has the potential to make a presentation of three minutes.

On July 25 will perform the closing ceremony. His organization is headed by the Ministry of Communication. This is invited the president of the Republic, Rafael Correa, all national authorities and sectional (supervisory bodies, mayors and prefects) and does not rule out the arrival of leaders of other countries.

During that span of five days are expected to continue assembly session to evacuate outstanding issues, such as the adoption of the Law Reform the Tax Equity Act and the mandate Agriculture (which introduced Correa).

Fernando Vega (PAIS) said to feel satisfied with the work has been done, but regrets that, by the pressure of the past five weeks, the product does not leave enough polished. The Assemblyman was one of those who supported extending the period of work of the Constituent Assembly suggested that its former president, Alberto Acosta (also PAIS).

Early voting
Yesterday, during his speech at the plenary session, Alfredo Ortiz (independent) said goodbye to his colleagues. "The new Constitution has not left any benefit to the people of my province (Galapagos) but for animals," he said.

At the door of City Alfaro noted that the 24 will return to vote no on the constitutional text and advanced to promote not in his province.
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