Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Rommel


posted on Jul 20, 2008 08:38AM

I have to start connecting some dots here as someone reminded me.

A bash attack on the agoracom board makes it unreadable to the normal investor, exactly the type of guy we are hoping that will read us and get as much info as he or she can get.

Rommel was just posting garbage posts to tie up the board. A bashing tactic for sure.

Well Rommel is now gone.

Fearless, on the other hand, is welcome to post his thoughts through 'widow' or whatever venue he wishes.

Either way, we are open to discussion, information, and opinion of all types.

I can imagine some will cry censorship, but I'm willing to trade off one poster that has alterior motives for the good of the board.

This is the end game folks.

Sail on.


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