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Message: New Ecuadorian Constitution has 494 Articles...

New Ecuadorian Constitution has 494 Articles...

posted on Jul 21, 2008 12:03AM

These two articles are from PRENSA LATINA....

Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa
Correa for the Best Constitution

Quito, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa, welcomed today the approval of 494 articles of the new Constitution and exhorted assembly members to be careful enough as to present the people with the best legislation.

  • New Ecuadorian Constitution has 494 Articles
  • The head of state opposed the proposal of extending the eight-month period for the Constituent Assembly and defended the stipulated period that ends in a week, which brought about Alberto Acosta"s resignation from the Constituent presidency last June 23.

    Correa made emphasis, during a meeting with representatives of Acuerdo Pais in the city of Manta, on being careful until the last minute and on keeping a long-term vision of the country with a Constitution "not for the next four years but for the whole 21st century and beyond".

    Another article......

    New Ecuadorian Constitution has 494 Articles

    Quito, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) The Constituent Assembly exhibits Friday a new Constitution with 494 articles approved, when all that remains is hardly a week to present it officially to citizens.

    "The new Constitution has been approved with 494 articles," states a release from the official Constituent website after the Thursday intensive session, in which 118 constitutional texts were approved.

    Among the latest sections approved are some on Sciences, Technology, the rights of the child, family and groups.

    Assembly members also approved a resolution to postpone for today the discussion of a transitory proposal, which will hold the functions of the Parliament if the Constitution is approved in the September 28 referendum.

    This temporary regime will be dissolved with the creation of the National Assembly (Parliament).

    According to the chronogram, those texts will be examined by a drawing-up commission, to verify possible omissions or repetitions and deliver the Constitution on Saturday, so assembly members can carry out a last reading.

    It is expected a plenary session for July 24 to approve article by article of the final document and 24 hours later the new Constitution will be presented.

    This legislation must be also approved in the September referendum to come into force.

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