Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Lack of news.

I wouldn’t say that we’ve been “withholding” news

Hmm, I wonder what Marla call it then?

  1. Sitting on it?
  2. Forgetting it?
  3. Leaving it sitting on the bottom of a pile of paperwork?
  4. Waiting for a better time to release it?
  5. Thinking... Forget them, they're only shareholders, they'll get it when we think they deserve it?
  6. We did release it but only to a privileged few (Kinross)?
  7. We'll release it when we are good and ready, until then shut the hell up and stop moaning?

I have no doubt whatsoever that Marla's comment is a cute little side swerve to avoid the question.. so, we MUST assume that one of the 7 points is the truth.

All we investors want is.... THE TRUTH ! Is that too much to ask?

What do you think?

Anyone got any more reasons for avoiding a direct answer to Hawkinowa's very pertinent question?



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