Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Approximate Sprott Ownership @ 3/31/08 of Aurelian

Approximate Sprott Ownership @ 3/31/08 of Aurelian

posted on Jul 26, 2008 12:15AM

In going through the Sprott Funds I found the approximate $ amount invested in Aurelian stock as of March 31, 2008....I could not find out how many shares this represents but it can be estimated...

Sprott Canadian Equity Fund

Fund Value 2,137 Million $

Aru Share 1.4% = about $ 30 Million

Sprott Gold & Precious Minerals Fund

Fund Value $ 614 Million

ARU share 6.6% = $ 40.5 Million

Sprott Growth Fund

Fund Value $ 348 Million

ARU share 3.8% = $ 13 Million

The total of these three funds is about $ 84 Million as of March 31, 2008 ... I don't know when the numbers will be out for June 30, 2008 so we won't know what Sprott has done with ARU for the second quarter of 2008 until those numbers are available....

ARU stock price was about $ 9 ( estimate) on March 31, 2008 so that would mean Sprott had about (84 Million divided by 9) or about 9.33 Million shares of ARU....

This exercise is to try and find out who are the big stock holders in ARU so we can see if we can figure out which way they are going to vote on this abortion of a merger.....

The way I look at it we have to find about 50 Million shares to stop this merger from happening if everyone votes....

Keith Barron and Sprott represent over 20 Million shares and would be big thumbs in the dike...

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