Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Ripa

Re: Ripa

in response to by
posted on Jul 27, 2008 09:39AM

Anyone knowingly or suspecting they're suffering from depleting brain matter that entertains the slightest thought of submitting (should another Offer not appear) under the K Offer, I suggest you:

Print Safe's Post, Pin it to the Wall and make it Priority Nbr ONE Compulsory Reading after each meal.

Now would someone tell me pls, why his Post was reported as a Violation? Was it because it's Sunday and someone didn't want to read the descriptive wording he used to enable all Readers, myself included, to understand?

I've put far in excess of what I should have in this Pit while aware that my maximum knowledge of a Mine is that my gold ring came out of one. I NEED descriptive wording!

Surely, like this K Offer accepted by our once trusted BOD, this was an error, in this case, a careless click of the Mouse. Whereas in the BOD's case ... I don't know the reason yet. I hope I don't have to wait for Keith Barron's book to find out.

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